Home / Oral Implants / Dr. Oded Bahat – Master Clinician Of Oral Implants

Dr. Oded Bahat – Master Clinician Of Oral Implants

Dental implants are an alternative to “False teeth” or “Dentures.” Implants look and feel like natural teeth. They are replacements for natural tooth loss due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. For years, the only options available for missing teeth were dentures, or bridges, today the best option for replacing missing teeth are professional dental implants.

Implants are strong and durable, and they look just like your natural teeth. They provide a permanent or fixed foundation that will last forever. Teeth implants are small screws that replace the root of your teeth, and they are implanted in three parts, which makes up a series of procedures. He has years of proven experience and success in teeth implants.

Dr. Oded Bahat uses rods that fit securely in your sockets, where your teeth once were. Over time, the rods fuses with your bone, in a process dentist calls Osseo integration. Implants are used in either the upper or the lower part of the jaw, and they work to support most prosthetic devices, like dentures or artificial teeth. In addition, he uses implants to replace either a single tooth or an entire arch of teeth.

A well renowned dentist like Dr. Bahat, working with a professional team of experts that can turn some of the most difficult cases, into the prettiest smile in no time at all.

What are the benefits of oral implants?

Improved Smile and Natural Appearance

They improve your overall appearance and boost your confidence. Don’t hide your smile, because of missing, broken or uneven teeth. Implants fuse with your natural bone, and becomes a permanent part of your mouth.

Improved Oral Health

Implants don’t require the filing down or the reduction in size of your natural teeth. In fact, dental implants complement your own teeth, allow access between your natural teeth, reduce plaque and improve oral hygiene. More of your own teeth are left intact, so you can experience long-term oral health.

Improved Eating

Unlike dentures, dental implants stays in place. They don’t slip or slide, and they make eating your food easier. Dentures make your gums sore and puffy, and cause you pain when you eat. Dental implants function like your own teeth, allowing you to eat with confidence, without pain and frustration.

Life Time Durability

Implants are designed to last a lifetime. They are made from the strongest materials, and with the proper care and treatment, they will continue to give you years of comfort.

Comfort and Convenience

Implants are not removable, they require no embarrassing adhesive, and they stay in place. Millions of people prefer implants over dentures, because they are convenient. Once your implants are in, they are in to stay. You don’t have to worry about them falling out when you are eating or talking.

Improved Speech Making in Public or at Home

Dentures slip and slide, if you don’t put enough adhesive on the bottom. Implants stays in place, and allows you to talk and pronounce your words properly, without slurring.

Choose a Doctor You Can Trust

Implants are making an impact on the way people view their appearance. When your natural teeth are damaged, missing, or unsightly, this reduces your confidence. Implants are available and should be implanted by an experienced dentist with a reputation of success.

You should choose your dentist like you would choose your house or your car. Your mouth is valuable, and you only get one chance to get it right. Dr. Bahat is an expert in dental procedures and implants, and he has won the trust of hundreds of patients worldwide.

About Oded Bahat Research

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